What’s Stopping You Building a Life & Business You *Truly* Desire?

What’s actually stopping you from creating and building a life and business that you truly want?

Most people don’t get what they want because they don’t ask for it. I first heard this years ago from a well-known entrepreneur - can’t quite recall who, but it’s the kind of thing Tony Robbins would say, don’t you think?

There’s something about that statement that rings true, yet it’s uncomfortable. It forces us to face the reality that maybe we’re not living in alignment with what we truly desire.

Here’s the thing - asking for what you want isn’t just a cognitive thing nor is it about just speaking up. It’s about knowing what your heart truly desires; what you yearn for, what your vision is for you life , what values you want to live by and embody, who you want to be and show up as, what values you want to live by, who you want to surround yourself with.

What it is that you long for in this one wild and precious life?

“I want to know

what you ache for

and if you dare to dream

of meeting your heart’s longing.”

- Oriah Mountain Dreamer

I know what it’s like to live a life that looks like a dream from the outside, ticking all the right boxes, following the path that everyone expects you to. In my twenties, I was living what seemed like my best life - immersed in the wild and wonderful, glitz and glamour of London’s West End Theatre. I had worked my way up from a Personal Assistant to managing multi-million-dollar industry events as well as becoming a Theatre Producer myself. And, don’t get me wrong, I had the time of my life and, for quite a few years, it truly was a dream-come-true. Life was fun, high paced and luxe af, filled with the most expensive champagne, exclusive members-only clubs and restaurants, international travel and designer handbags - a far cry from the girl who grew up in the hills of Wales with little money and big dreams… of changing the world, one theatre production at a time.

One day, a question/reflection that had been niggling away at me for a while disrupted it all: What am I truly contributing? Is this what I truly want for my life and career?

I realised that while everything looked perfect on the surface, I was missing a deeper connection - something I had always longed for, and it wasn’t driven by money. Instead of creating meaningful impact, I felt like I was simply adding to the wealth of others. The life I had worked so hard for no longer aligned with my soul.

So, I did what felt impossible - I walked away. I took a six-month sabbatical, traveling to Africa, where I finally found the space to reflect and reconnect with what my heart truly desired - not just for my career, but for my life. That time gave me the clarity I needed to let go of external expectations and listen to my own, inner voice.

Soon after, love brought me to Australia, where I dove into new passions. I became a yoga teacher, took on leadership at lululemon, and during maternity leave with our first daughter, I trained as a life and leadership coach. This was the work that lit me up - it felt aligned, meaningful, and true to who I was and who I wanted to become. I built a beautiful coaching business, helping mothers grow their own heart-led ventures.

But after the birth of our second daughter, I found myself slipping again, caught up in the chase for social media validation, as if my worth depended on it. Once more, I had to ask myself: What do I truly want? This time, it wasn’t just about me - it was about my family. My desires needed to align not only with my soul but also with the vision and values we wanted for our family’s health, wealth, and happiness. It was a deeper clarity, one that embraced both personal fulfillment and the sustainability of our family’s future.

“I’ve never seen any life transformation that didn’t begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

I bloody love Liz Gilbert, don’t you?!

What If Life Could Flow With Just A Little More Ease?

Too often, we treat our lives as something static, like we’re trapped in a box with no room to grow. We think this is just the way things are, that some things aren’t ‘for us,’ and we stop dreaming.

But here’s the truth: life is not meant to be rigid. It’s meant to flow. When you shut yourself off from possibilities, you create stagnation. And stagnation, in both life and business, is not a recipe for happiness or fulfilment.

So, let me ask you: What do you truly want? If you let yourself dream again, what would that life look like?

To suppress your potential, to silence your desires, is to deny the very essence of who you are. And we do this because it feels safer - safer not to rock the boat, not to be the one who dares to stand out. But that safety is an illusion, and it comes at a cost. The cost of your fulfilment, your happiness, and your growth.

Take the Leap: Your Future Self Is Waiting.

What if stepping outside of those lines - daring to question the way things are - could lead you to something greater? Yes, it might stir up discomfort. People may look at you differently. You might stumble, you might fall. But what if failure was just part of the journey toward the life you’ve always dreamt of?

“What would I do if I wasn’t afraid of the outcome?”

That’s the question I ask myself when things feel uncertain. And the outcome could be both failure and success… because all too often we fear the level of success that we know is meant for us… can we really hold it?

Imagine the version of yourself who is already living the life you desire. That future you who has followed the inner voice, the spark of intuition, who has embraced their autonomy and created a life that feels aligned, expansive, and true. What would they say to you now?

Listen to that voice. Act on the niggles. Follow the desire that’s tugging at your heart. Dare to believe that you can create a life and business that flows with who you truly are.

It's worse to spend your life on the outside looking in, wondering what if, than it is to try and dare greatly and risk the chance of failure. Dare greatly; get in the arena and try.” - Brene Brown

And, if you find it hard to listen to yourself, listen to Queen Brene - she’s always got wisdom to live by.

P.S. I’d love to hear your reflections upon reading the above - get in touch by commenting below, email, instagram or facebook 💫💫💫


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